Our Outstanding Success Rates - CRGH City

Consistently Outstanding Success Rates Across All Treatment Types

See All Success Rates
CGI closeup of sperm fertilising an egg during the pregnancy process.

An important note on these Success Rates

CRGH City became part of the CRGH group on 16th January 2023. Before this time, the clinic was under different management, with different equipment and treatment protocols. We are obliged by our regulators to publish the success rates which the location achieved prior to becoming part of the CRGH group.  The data published here is representative of the period of time prior to City becoming a CRGH clinic, and some of the success rates are lower than the standards which we have consistently achieved at our other locations. With the investment CRGH has made in equipment, training, technology and staffing, we have every confidence that CRGH City will achieve success rates consistent with those at CRGH Portland upon next publication. You can see our CRGH Portland success rates at the link below.

CRGH Portland Success Rates

How our Success Rates are calculated

Understanding how success rates are calculated and presented is important when deciding which clinic to work with. All the information presented here is done so using the HFEA’s preferred statistic; Live Birth Rate per Embryo Transferred.

The success rates displayed here are calculated from data that has not been verified by the HFEA and comparison to concurrent national data is not possible.  To compare our stats with the national average, please visit the HFEA website via the link below. Success rates are of limited value when  comparing centres and deciding which clinic is best for you. The HFEA provide a useful guide for understanding statistics and choosing the clinic that is right for you.

Visit HFEA "Choose a Clinic"
A doctor using a pipette to transfer liquid under a microscope.

The data behind our Success Rates

CRGH City All Data
To get a complete understanding of our Success Rates it may be helpful to look at the data which underpins the statistics on this page. Follow the link below to see all of the data behind our Success Rates, broken down by treatment type and patient age.
Early human cells under a microscope showing signs of life.

Fresh IVF Live Birth Rates per embryo transferred

2021, CRGH City

Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred in under 35s



Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred all ages average



Live Birth Rates per Embryo Transferred by age group


Learn more about IVF

Fresh ICSI Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred

2021, CRGH City

Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred in under 35s



Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred all ages average



Live Birth Rates per Embryo Transferred by age group


Learn more about IVF with ICSI

Combined Fresh Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred (IVF + ICSI + IMSI + PIMSI)

2021, CRGH City

Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred in under 35s



Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred all ages average



Live Birth Rates per Embryo Transferred by age group


See underlying data

Egg Recipient Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred

2021, CRGH City

Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred in under 35s



Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred all ages average



Live Birth Rates per Embryo Transferred by age group


Learn more about IVF with donor eggs

PGS/PGT-A Live Birth Rates per embryo transferred

2021, CRGH City

Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred in under 35s



Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred all ages average



Live Birth Rates per Embryo Transferred by age group


Learn more about PGS/PGTA

Frozen Thawed Embryo Transfers (FET) Live Birth Rates per embryo transferred

2021, CRGH City

Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred in under 35s



Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred all ages average



Live Birth Rates per Embryo Transferred by age group


See underlying data