We want our patients to receive the best possible care!

Concerns and Complaints
We want our patients to receive the best possible care and consideration from everyone at the CRGH. We are always looking for ways to improve, and value your compliments, comments, concerns, and complaints about all aspects of our service.
It is always better for you to raise an issue immediately, so that we can respond and hopefully resolve any issue as soon as it arises. If you have a concern you can speak to any member of your care team, or – if you prefer – ask to speak to a senior manager from the relevant department, the senior team will aim to resolve your concern as fast as possible. If the senior management team are unable to help and you wish to escalate your concern to a formal complaint, albeit please be aware that responses to formal can take up to 30 working days.
Formal complaint contact details:
Sofia Flykt
Complaints Officer for complaints at the CRGH
Email for both sites [email protected]
We will acknowledge written complaints within 5 working days and provide a written response within 30 working days of receipt. If the investigation is still ongoing at 30 days, we will write and provide you with an update.
Please be aware that any invoices cannot remain unpaid pending a complaint outcome and must be paid in full prior to treatment in accordance with CRGH’s finance policy and contracts.
If you are not satisfied with our response, you have 30 working days in which to challenge our findings. If we do not hear from you within this time, we will consider the complaint satisfactorily resolved.
The time limit for initiating a complaint is 6 months from the date of occurrence, or 6 months from when you became aware of the cause for complaint, provided this is no more than 12 months after the event.
If you feel the complaint is still unresolved, you have the right to contact the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA): Email: [email protected]