What is an Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection?
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a technique used in the IVF process which can help overcome challenges related to the quality of the sperm being used. While in IVF, the sperm and egg are allowed to combine naturally in the laboratory, ICSI involves selecting a single sperm and injecting it into the egg itself. This can help when sperm lacks the inclination or ability to “swim” towards the egg on its own.
In addition to helping those with sub-optimal sperm quality, ICSI can also be combined with advanced Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), or used when sperm fragmentation is high.
Once the egg has been fertilised using the ICSI technique, the embryo will be monitored and nurtured in our laboratory until it reaches a day-five “blastocyst”, which is then ready for implantation, freezing or further genetic testing.
At the Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health (CRGH), we are proud to offer an outstanding range of fertility investigations and treatments to give you the best chance of a successful pregnancy.

Our Outstanding Success Rates
IVF with ICSI, Live Birth Rates, Per Embryo Transferred, 2021
Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred in under 35s
Live Birth Rate per embryo transferred all ages average
Frequently Asked Questions
The process of IVF with ICSI
How long does IVF with an intracytoplasmic sperm injection take?
Using ICSI doesn’t usually impact the timeline of traditional IVF, which usually takes around six weeks, although this is dependent on each individual and often governed by menstrual cycles.
Is IVF with ICSI suitable for everyone?
Using an intracytoplasmic sperm injection comes with certain risks that are still being researched, and should be taken into consideration. In particular there is a very small risk that the egg may be damaged during the injection process.
Your fertility consultant will explain these risks and how we avoid them. You can read more about the risks below, or visit the HFEA website which explains the risks for IVF and all other fertility treatments available in the UK.
Can you use donated sperm or eggs for IVF with ICSI?
Yes, you can use donated egg or sperm in IVF with an intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Our team can help in finding appropriate donated gametes.
You can learn more about IVF with donated eggs and IVF with donated sperm on our website.
Can you pause during the process of IVF using an intracytoplasmic sperm injection?
Yes, one of the nice things about IVF with ICSI is you are able to “pause” at certain points in the process, which can be helpful for those who have other commitments. Speak to your consultant for more information on how to schedule your treatment.
How much does IVF with an intracytoplasmic sperm injection cost?
We tailor your treatment at every stage to ensure you have the best possible chance of success. Prior to starting treatment, our finance team will provide you with an itemised costing of your unique treatment plan.
There is a small risk of the egg being damaged during the injection process, as well as the usual risks associated with IVF, including:
• Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
• Multiple births (twins or triplets)
• Ectopic pregnancy
Your consultant will discuss these risks, and how we avoid them, during your consultation. You can also learn more about the risks associated with all fertility treatment available in the UK on the HFEA website.
Our consultants are experts at understanding your previous medical and fertility history, as well as your goals for treatment. Your consultant will take a detailed medical history, help you understand the treatment options which are available and answer any questions you might have.
If you would like to learn more before you book your consultation, we offer regular online open evenings, where we talk you through CRGH’s results and some of the treatment options available.