IVF Success Story
Sophie and Ben
2020, the year our IVF journey began… hearing you need help in becoming a family was the hardest thing we ever had to go through. Choosing a clinic was also so overwhelming, the more research I found I did on IVF, the more confused I felt… there is so much to take on and I know now more than back then even, how important it is to choose a clinic you feel safe with, who guide you, support you and without CRGH we would not have our amazing twins Hunter and River Rose, who were born on the 21st June 2021. This was our first round of IVF ICSI at CRGH.
You never know what to expect on your journey and I really felt CRGH supported me in every way possible, from the nurses being there to guide me, the reception staff and of course the consultants. It’s such an emotional rollercoaster and you are also monitored so closely with CRGH and feel like they will give you the best possible chance of success.
When the time came for egg collection after a lot of medication, injections, scans and meetings, I felt we had done all we possibly could for this to work for us. It was a very smooth procedure, and I was put an ease every step of the way, and was so fortunate to have had 11 eggs collected on my day of collection. We had ICSI, and the telephone calls we received over the next few days kept us informed of how our little embryos were doing. By day 5 we were so lucky that 3 had made it to a good grade and we were ready for embryo transfer.
It was the scariest time of our lives but we tried so so hard to keep believing. We continued with all our medications as advised and I was also very strict on my diet and my lifestyle from the beginning. The day of transfer I remember so well, I knew after weeks, and months this was the moment we were waiting for and we were so grateful to have got to this stage first time. We transferred two embryos on our embryo transfer day and left with a little photo of these perfect little embryos, we had done all we could.
The dreaded two week wait, was the hardest time ever, every move you make your scared, every twitch you have you think it’s a good sign, but then what if it’s bad and your mind definitely plays all sorts of games with you. When we tested we saw a very faint line, I cannot even put into words how excited ( and petrified ) this made us. The line kept getting darker and the excitement kept building, although still trying so hard to hold a bit back incase it wasn’t to be.
When we had our BETA bloods done at the clinic this confirmed that we were in fact pregnant and it had worked and our number was pretty high. It wasn’t until our next scan at CRGH that it was confirmed we were expecting twins and both our little embryos had stuck with us. I still to this day, cannot believe it, sometimes I look at my babies and can’t believe how we did it, they are such little miracles and everyday is such a blessing. It completely blows my mind the world of IVF and how it can make people’s dreams come true. We count our lucky stars everyday.
My pregnancy went very well, I was very sick in the first trimester but was under great care throughout and made it to 37 weeks and Hunter & River Rose arrived on Monday 21st June 2021, the most perfect little dolls I have never seen.
Roll on three years later and they have made every day amazing, it’s fast paced, it’s full of fun, it’s very loud but it’s beautiful chaos.
Without the amazing staff at CRGH and their team, none of this would have been possible.
We will always hold a special place for this clinic in our hearts and are forever grateful.

Discover More About IVF at CRGH
If you are finding it difficult to conceive, please remember you are not alone. Here at CRGH, we uphold clinical excellence and outstanding success rates to create the best possible IVF results for our patients.
If you would like to learn more about our fertility treatments and investigations, we’d love for you to contact us and book an initial consultation to start your journey. Our consultants and counsellors are highly experienced and will be more than happy to listen to your story and offer individualised support.
If you are a past patient at CRGH and would like to share your IVF story with others, we’d love for you to get in touch.