Mrs Claude Rennert
Accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychoterapy (BACP) and the British Infertility Counselling Association (BICA)
About Claude
Claude has worked as a fertility counsellor since 1997 working with couples and individuals and adopts a humanistic approach. Claude’s work and her philosophy/belief system is based on existentialism.
Claude has been involved with the Human Fertility & Embryology Authority: (HFEA) for a period of 9 years as an External Adviser to the Compliance and Information Directorate, providing counselling inspection support, to offer a professional opinion in order to assist the Compliance and Information Directorate in reaching its conclusions based upon inspection findings.
Claude spent 20 years as a group facilitator , one-to-one supervisor, Personal and Professional Development tutor at the City lit on a Person centred course, prior to this as a tutor at City University on a PC/Existential course.
Specialist Skills:
To support her work, Claude joined the Post Adoption Centre for 4 years and qualified with them (A.C.E counsellor. ‘Adoption Counselling Expertise’ ABC accredited course (Pre and Post Adoption 2002-2003).
Claude has learnt that we all need to be heard (often behind what our words can express) and that many of us value a human understanding presence. With this in mind, Claude provides sessions in person as well as remotely. Claude also offers image work to explore and make sense of some of our feelings to whoever is willing to switch off from logical thinking. As well as English, Claude speaks fluent French and Spanish.
If you are a CRGH patient and would like to arrange an appointment with Claude, please contact us at [email protected]